When i try to play darkrp gmod downtown v4c does not work
When i try to play darkrp gmod downtown v4c does not work

when i try to play darkrp gmod downtown v4c does not work when i try to play darkrp gmod downtown v4c does not work

When you first join a DarkRP server, you will have the Citizen class by default. This section will explain different commands and what they do. Now onto server-specific gamemode changes. You can't return to the area you died at for some period of time (it's different on every server, check the server's rules for the time period) and you can't kill the person who killed you. You're essentially starting off with a new life. What NLR means is you forget everything that happened before you died. The New Life Rule comes into effect if you are killed. This leads into the next section of the guide. If you are killed, however, you cannot seek revenge killings. If you are being shot at, you have a reason to defend yourself. You have the right to defend your property. A similar case would be if your house was raided. Killing a gangster after he held a gun to your face and threatened you would not be considered RDM, since you had a reason to defend yourself. This is illegal on most servers, and will almost certainly lead to administrative action. Random deathmatch is the act of going up to a random person and killing them for no reason. The rules for one server may be different than another server's, so take everything written here with a grain of salt. This part of the guide will be a little iffy.

When i try to play darkrp gmod downtown v4c does not work